
To get things done and make customers happy, you need the right distillery tour booking system.

Whether you're a small craft distillery or a large spirit producer, you need a reliable booking tool.

So this guide is for you, dear distillery and brewery tour operators.

Here, we tell you what features to look for. So you can ensure your online bookings work well.

From an intuitive reservation system to a comprehensive management platform, these features cover everything you need.

Our list includes automated scheduling, integrated systems, and cloud-based solutions, for all your distillery tour booking needs.

Discover the must-have functionalities that will elevate your distillery's tour experience.

list of 10 features in the blog for distillery tours
List of Key Features for Distillery Tour Booking Software

Exploring Craft Distillery Software: A Gateway to Streamlined Operations

Craft distillery software is designed to make life easier for owners of brewery tours and distilling businesses.

It connects the distillery's workflow, from production to online bookings and sales- so it's more efficient and productive.

This software is a game-changer for craft distilleries looking to optimize their processes and grow their business.

  • Production Management: Manage recipes, batch production, and inventory tracking.
  • Sales and Distribution: Simplify order processing and manage distribution channels.
  • Compliance and Reporting: Ensure adherence to industry regulations with automated reporting.

By implementing craft distillery software, distilleries can achieve a seamless operational flow, making it easier to manage resources and increase revenue.

Advantages of a Comprehensive Craft Distillery Solution

two men in a brewery operations holding their glasses and smiling

A comprehensive craft distillery solution offers tons of benefits, making it an invaluable tool for brewery and distillery tours that want to grow.

  • Efficiency: Streamlines operations, reducing manual tasks and saving time.
  • Accuracy: Minimizes errors in production and financial records.
  • Scalability: Adapts to the growing needs of the distillery and/or brewery tour, supporting expansion and new product development.

The use of a complete craft distillery solution equips businesses with the tools they need to run their business efficiently.

Understanding Distillery Tour Booking Software: An Essential Tool for Distillery Operations

a glass of beer poured down in a distillery tour
Deliver authentic distillery experiences, every time.

Distillery tour booking software is specialized software designed to make booking tours and engaging customers easier.

It serves as a central platform for managing the whole tour experience, from initial booking to post-tour follow-up.

Key components of this software include:

  • Online Booking System: Enables customers to book tours easily through a user-friendly interface.
  • Customer Management: Stores customer data for personalized marketing and service.
  • Tour Scheduling: Allows distilleries to manage tour dates, times, and capacities effectively.

Adopting distillery tour booking software is a great way to improve tour operations, check-in process, improve customer satisfaction, and make things run smoother.


10 Essential Features of Distillery Tour Booking Software for Successful Management

To find the best distillery tour booking software, look for features that improve tour bookings, customer management, and overall operations.

Here's our curated list of 10 must-have features in a tour booking software for distillery tours.

1. User-Friendly Interface: Simplifying Online Bookings

online booking process of distillery tours
The user-friendly checkout process for distillery tours, simplifying online bookings for customers.
  • Quick Integration: Embed a booking widget on your site for fast online bookings.
  • Ease for Customers: Ensures a smooth booking process, making customers happier.
  • Operational Benefit: Saves time so you can enhance the tour.

2. Robust Online Reservation System: Centralizing Booking Management

image of a dashboard interface showing centralized management
A dashboard interface displaying centralized management, streamlining distillery tour operations.
  • Unified Dashboard: Manage bookings, payments, and schedules in one place.
  • Automation: Simplify scheduling and workflows, focusing on memorable tours.
  • Real-Time Insights: Gain instant business overviews to aid decision-making and increase sales.

3. Real-Time Tour Availability: Optimizing Booking Schedules

dashboard interface showing availability overview calendar
Dashboard view showing an availability calendar, essential for efficient scheduling of distillery tours.
  • Instant Access: Manage tour bookings and inventory on the go, avoiding overbooking.
  • Customer Flexibility: Allows immediate booking for available tours, making it easier for guests.
  • Accuracy: Keeps availability up-to-date in real time.

4. Automated Booking Confirmations and Reminders: Boosting Customer Engagement

booking confirmation of a new sale and tour notification
Sample of a booking confirmation onscreen, indicating a new sale and tour notification, showcasing operational efficiency.
  • Efficient Checkout: Gets bookings done faster.
  • Continuous Engagement: Keeps tours in mind with reminders, reducing no-shows.
  • Operational Savings: Better booking management allows quality tours.

5. Secure and Flexible Payment Processing: Trust-Building in Transactions

list of different payment processing or payment providers
Offer various payment processing options for flexible booking options.
  • Trust Builder: Accepts safe payments, promotes bookings.
  • Payment Variety: Multiple payment options to suit customers' needs.
  • Insightful Data: Tracks customer purchases and preferences.

6. Advanced Customer Management: Personalizing Guest Experiences

interface showing crm features in personalizing experiences
CRM features to personalize customer experiences in your distillery tours.
  • Tailored Solutions: Get software that works for you.
  • Deep Insights: Get insights on customer behavior so you can customize tours.
  • Efficiency Gains: Makes bookings easier, automates interactions.

7. Universal Access: Facilitating Bookings Anytime, Anywhere

a software that can help you manage tour business from anywhere
A versatile software solution enabling management of tour business from anywhere, enhancing flexibility and control.
  • 24/7 Booking Capability: Makes your tours easy to book round-the-clock.
  • Device Compatibility: Makes booking on the go easy.
  • Operational Flexibility: Provides staff with remote access to handle customer service and bookings.

8. Data-Driven Decisions: Informing Strategy with Analytics

dashboard showing total sales and revenue
Dashboard illustrating total sales and revenue, providing insights for strategic business planning.
  • Enhanced Understanding: Better tour and marketing planning with analytics.
  • Performance Tracking: Analyze sales and customer feedback.
  • Strategic Management: Uses data to schedule and allocate resources better.

9. Seamless Marketing Integration: Expanding Tour Reach and Bookings

a software that can integrate you with multiple sales channels online
Software interface that integrates with multiple online sales channels, expanding market reach for tours.
  • Effortless Promotions: Manage and launch tour promotions easily.
  • Targeted Marketing: Using customer data to target marketing campaigns.
  • Coordinated Efforts: Brings marketing into the booking system for better campaign tracking.

10. Tailored and Scalable Solutions: Growing with Your Business

a software solution that can grow with you
A scalable software solution that grows with your business, adapting to increasing demands and opportunities.
  • Custom Adaptability: Adjusts to meet your distillery or brewery's unique demands.
  • Support for Growth: Adapts to growing tours and customers.
  • Future Proofing: Gets you ready for future expansion, saving you money on system overhauls.

Choosing the right online booking software with these features will make booking easier, improve customer satisfaction, and grow your business.

Case Study: Secret Food Tours' Global Expansion with TicketingHub

showing the checkout process of secret food tours with ticketinghub
Checkout process for Secret Food Tours via TicketingHub, demonstrating an efficient and user-friendly booking system.

About the Company: Secret Food Tours began in one city with a passion for showcasing delicious local foods often missed by tourists. They aim to share local tastes with a wider audience.


  • The team needed an efficient, easy-to-integrate booking and reservation system.
  • They need seamless integration with their payment system.
  • Operating on a tight budget without an existing ticketing solution.
  • Required a system tailored to their food tour operation's unique demands.


TicketingHub changed the game for the better:

  • Rapid deployment allowed tour sales to commence within minutes.
  • Economical pricing model: 3% per booking, free of monthly charges.
  • Perfectly adaptable to accommodate diverse food tour needs in multiple cities.


  • Garnered over 5,000 five-star reviews, testifying to the quality of their tours.
  • Impressively expanded from 1 to over 60 cities worldwide, demonstrating significant growth and scaling of their business model, powered by TicketingHub's flexible and efficient ticketing software.


You don't need to pay hefty booking fees for a system just to create better tours.

It only takes 3% per booking with TicketingHub. So you only pay as you earn, no strings attached.

The right technology partnership fuels Secret Food Tours' operational growth, and the right booking software grows with you.


Discover the TicketingHub Advantage for Your Distillery Tour Booking Needs

Join hundreds of tour operators and attraction brands who have transformed their booking process with TicketingHub.

Our platform is perfect for businesses in attractions and special events, including distilleries, food tours, tastings, zoos, and more.

Why Choose TicketingHub?

  • Reach More Customers: Expand your market and increase bookings for group tours and special events.
  • Industry Expertise: Benefit from our comprehensive solution, designed to enhance operations, boost ticket sales, and widen event marketing.
  • Affordable Pricing: Get the best value for a complete reservation software solution that fits your budget.
  • Superfast Integration: Manage schedules and bookings easily with our lightweight, customizable booking widget.
  • Exceptional Customer Support: Our dedicated customer support team is here to assist you with any needs, ensuring smooth operations.
  • Efficiency Through Automation: Track clients, sales, and bookings with tools that maximize efficiency.

Ready to Transform Your Booking Process?

Contact TicketingHub today to learn how we can help your business grow with our specialized distillery tour booking software.

Experience more bookings, seamless management, and the support you need to succeed.



In conclusion, selecting the right distillery tour booking software with these top 10 essential features can make or break your tours and guests' experience.

From easy online reservations to efficient management and scheduling, there's a lot you can do to create a hassle-free experience for both your team and your visitors.

With a user-friendly booking platform, you'll streamline operations, as well as build your brand's reputation.

These key features will make your distillery stand out and deliver exceptional tours every time.


