澳大利亚旅游清单是 "由澳大利亚人制作,在澳大利亚,为澳大利亚人服务 "的。如果你是充满活力的澳大利亚旅游市场社区中的旅游经营者,错过与Aussie Bucket List整合的机会将是一个错误。
Since 2015, this avid Australian travel community has been exploring the top and most reputable experiences, destinations, and events throughout Australia. From the iconic Australian landmark, blue mountains to the Sydney harbour- the Aussie Bucket List offers the best outdoor adventures and the top things to explore when travelling in Australia.
- 悉尼海港大桥
- 悉尼歌剧院
- 西澳大利亚
- 北部地区
- 南大洋
- 新南威尔士州
- 国家公园
- 大堡礁
- 菲利普岛的企鹅大游行
- 南方之光
- 拜伦湾
以下是他们的一个完整列表 目的地.
我们基于云的票务平台可以通过我们的渠道经理将您与澳大利亚的顶级活动列表网站之一Aussie Bucket List联系起来。这意味着不再需要在多个平台之间来回奔波!我们的整合费用只有2%,所以你可以放心,你会得到最好的回报。
TicketingHub's booking software for tour operators makes it easy to connect with Aussie Bucket List. It's the best of both worlds when it comes to tourism management and marketing with TicketingHub + Aussie Bucket List. With this seamless integration, you get your OTA suppliers + booking & reservation management in one centralized platform.
- 快速的供应商整合
- Grow indirect bookings via multiple sales channels
- One dashboard for tour bookings management (online, walk-ins, and third-party sales)
- 为您的澳大利亚旅游开拓更多市场